Annual meetings

The 9th Annual RaDIATE Collaboration Meeting, will be hosted by the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) and the Consorcio IFMIF-DONES España. It will be held at the Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain on September 16-18, 2024. 

Annual RaDIATE collaboration meetings provide a forum for discussion between experts in this specialized domain. Collaboration members gather at a different host institution’s laboratory each year to address topical issues associated with radiation damage in the accelerator target’s environment.  

Topics discussed include:

  • Facilities design and operation
  • Applications with radiation damage concerns
  • Radiation damage studies
  • Low-energy irradiation studies
  • High-energy proton irradiation studies
  • Thermal shock studies
  • Radiation-tolerant material development
  • Irradiation facilities
  • Post-irradiation examination and remote handling techniques
  • Radiation damage modeling

Past meetings

8th in-person meeting

Dates: 26-30 June 2023

Host: Brookhaven National Laboratory

Location: United States


7th in-person meeting

Dates: 22-23 Sept 2022

Host: Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Location: United Kingdom


6th in-person meeting

Dates: 09-13 Dec 2019


Location: Canada


5th in-person meeting

Dates: 17-21 Dec 2018

Host: CERN

Location: Switzerland


4th in-person meeting

Dates: 20-22 Sept 2017

Host: High Energy Accelerator Research Organization

Location: Japan


3rd in-person meeting

Dates: 07-09 Sept 2016

Host: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Location: United States

The RaDIATE logo and the University of Oxford logo

2nd in-person meeting

Dates: 19-20 May 2015

Host: University of Oxford

Location: United Kingdom


1st in-person meeting

Dates: 19 May 2014

Host: Fermilab

Location: United States
