Brookhaven National Laboratory is a DOE Office of Science National Laboratory with seven Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, 37 R&D 100 Awards, and more than 70 years of pioneering research.
The 1,500+ scientists who run Brookhaven’s Collider-Accelerator Department develop, improve and operate a suite of particle and heavy ion accelerators to:
- Carry out accelerator-based experiments
- Support the experimental program, including design, construction and operation of the beam transports to the experiments
- Support the detector and research needs of the experiments
- Design and construct new accelerator facilities in support of the BNL and national missions
The Brookhaven Linac Isotope Producer (BLIP) facility is a unique high-energy high-intensity proton facility that has the capability to irradiate a large amount of material with a reasonable damage rate. It was used in the past (2010 and 2017-2018) to irradiate numerous materials in the framework of the RaDIATE collaboration.