
Explore publications related to RaDIATE collaboration research.  

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Release dateTitleAuthorsReferenceKeywords
2024Radiation damage study of POCO ZXF-5Q graphite for neutrino production targets using 4.5 MeV helium ionsAbraham Burleigh, Kavin Ammigan, Sujit Bidhar, Frederique Pellemoine, Ovidiu Toader, Thomas Kubley, Kai Sun , Jeff Terry.JNM Volume 605, February 2025, 155545POCO graphite, irradiation damage, low energy ion
2024Measurements of displacement cross sections of metals for 120-GeV proton beam irradiationYosuke Iwamoto, Hiroki Matsuda; Shin-Ichiro Meigo; Katsuya Yonehara; Frederique Pellemoine; Zunping Liu; Kevin Lynch; Makoto Yoshida; Atsushi Yabuuchi; Toshimasa Yoshiie; Shintaro HashimotoNIMB Volume 557, December 2024, 165543Displacement damage, Proton, Accelerator, dpa, Metal
2024Microstructural Evolution of Ion Irradiated Commercially Pure TitaniumA. Amroussia, C.J. Boehlert, F. Pellemoine, D. Grummon, W. Mittig, T.R. Bieler, M. Li, W.Y. ChenJNM Volume 599, October 2024, 155105titanium irradiation, ionization, microstructure, dislocations
2023Porosity evolution in proton irradiated microfine-grained POCO graphiteMing Jiang, Kavion Ammigan, George Lolov, Frederique Pellemoine, Dong LiuJNM Volume 587, 15 December 2023, 154732Proton irradiation, POCO graphite, Deep learning image segmentation, FIB-SEM tomography, Porosity
2023High Power Targetry R&D and support for future generation acceleratorFrederique Pellemoine, Kavin Ammigan, Charlotte Barbier, Katsuya YoneharaJINST 18 T07006Accelerator modelling and simulations, Accelerator Subsystems and Technologies, Radiation damage evaluation methods, Targets
2023A novel method for quantifying irradiation damage in nuclear graphite using Raman spectroscopyMing Jiang, Kavin Ammigan, George Lolov, Frederique Pellemoine, Dong LiuCarbon Volume 213 September 2023, 118181Micro-Raman spectroscopy, Irradiation damage, Proton irradiation, Nuclear graphite, POCO graphite
2023Insights into radiation resistance of titanium alloys from displacement cascade simulationsAnkit Roy, David J. Senor, Danny J. Edwards, Andrew M. Casella, Ram DevanathanJNM Volume 586, 1 December 2023, 154695Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al, Ti-6Al-4V, α and β-phases, Molecular dynamics, PKA cascade simulations, Vacancy and interstitial clustering, Displacement threshold energies
2023Atomistic simulations of He bubbles in BerylliumJianqi Xi, Yegi Shi, Vitaly Pronskikh, Frederique Pellemoine, Dane Morgan, Izabela SzlufarskaJNM Volume 576. April 2023, 154249He bubble, Beryllium,
Stability, Diffusivity
2022Irradiation Facilities and Irradiation Methods for High Power TargetF. Pellemoine, C. Barbier, Y. Sun, K. Ammigan, S. Bidhar, B. Zwaska, D. McClintock, S. Taller, D. Winder, C.S. Cutler, D. Kim, Y. Chiu, M. Freer, C. Wheldon, A. Gottberg, F. Boix Pamies, M. Calviani, N. Charitonidis, R. Garcia Alia, F. Ravotti, S. Danzeca, A.P. Bernardes, N. Moncoffre, S. Meigo, T. Ishida, Y. Dai, A. Couet, K. Kriewaldt, M. Moorhead, G.S. Was, O. Toader, F. Naab, P. Wang, D. Woodley, E. Getto, S. Raiman, C. Grygiel, I. Monnet, A. Alessi, D. Senor, A.M. CasellaSnowmass 2021 ContributionIrradiation stations, Post Irradiation Examination
2022Modeling Needs for High Power TargetCharlotte Barbier, Sujit Bidhar, Marco Calviani, Jeff Dooling, Jian Gao, Aaron Jacques, Wei Lu, Roberto Li Voti, Frederique Pellemoine, Justin Mach, David Senor, Fernando Sordo, Izabela Szlufarska, Joseph Tipton, Dan Wilcox, Drew WinderSnowmass 2021 Contributionhigh-power target, modeling
2022Multiphysics Simulation of the Thermal Response of a Nanofibrous Target in a High-Intensity BeamW. J. Asztalos, Y. Torun, Bidhar, F. Pellemoine, P. RathNAPAC Proceeding 2022, MOPA63High-power target, ceramic nanofiber, multiphysics simulation
2021Production and qualification of an electrospun ceramic nanofiber material as a candidate future high-power targetSujit Bidhar, Valerie Goss, Wei-Ying Chen, Andrei Stanishevsky, Meimei Li, Slava Kuksenko, Marco Calviani, and Robert ZwaskaPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 24, 123001high-power target, ceramic nanofiber, thicker mat, nano-indentation, ion irradiation, AFM
2021Radiation-induced hardening of beryllium during low temperature He implantationV. Kuksenko, A. Lunev, E. Darnbrough, C. Densham, P. Hurh, S. RobertsJNM Volume 555, November 2021, 153130beryllium, helium implantation, irradiation induced hardening, anisotropy, TEM, dislocation loops
2021Multiple length-scale microstructural characterisation of four grades of fine-grained graphiteM. Jiang, A. El-Turke, G. Lolov, K. Ammigan, P. Hurh, D. LiuJNM Volume 550, July 2021, 152876nuclear graphite, multiple length-scale porosity, X-ray micro-computed tomography, focused ion-beam tomography, micro-raman spectroscopy, proton beamline target
2021First observation of spalling in tantalum at high temperatures induced by high-energy proton beam impactsC. Torregrosa, N. Solieri, E. Fornasiere, J. Busom, M. Calviani, J. Canhoto, A. Perillo-Marcone, P. SpatigEuropean Journal of Mechanics- A solids Volume 85, Jan-Feb 2021, 104149spall, tantalum, high temperature, proton beams, dynamic loading, radial mode, hydrocodes
2021Irradiation damages of structural materials under different irradiation environmentsE. Wakai, S. Takaya, Y. Matsui, Y. Nagae, S. Kato, T. Suzudo, M. Yamaguchi, K. Aoto, S.Nogami, A. Hasegawa, H. Abe, K. Sato, T. Ishida, S. Makimura, P. G. Hurh, K. Ammigan, D. J. Senor, A. M. Casella, D. J. EdwardsJNM Volume 543, January 2021, 152503helium, dpa, irradiation hardening, irradiation creep, swelling, 316FR, HCM12A, 304 steel
2020Low-temperature proton irradiation damage of isotropic nuclear grade IG-430 graphiteN.Simos, P.Hurh, N.Mokhov, M.Snead, M.Topsakal, M.Palmer, S.Ghose, H.Zhong, Z.Kotsina, D.J.SprousterJNM Volume 542, 15 December 2020, 152438irradiation damage, post-irradiation annealing, very high-temperature reactor, graphite IG-430
2020Tensile behavior of dual-phase titanium alloys under high-intensity proton beam exposure: radiation-induced omega phase transformation in Ti-6Al-4VT. Ishida, E. Wakai, S. Makimura, A. M. Casella, D. J. Edwards, R. Prabhakaran, D. J. Senor, K. Ammigan, S. Bidhar, P. G. Hurh, F. Pellemoine, C. J. Densham, M. D. Fitton, J. M. Bennett, D. Kim, N. Simos, M. Hagiwara, N. Kawamura, S. Meigo, K. Yonehara, On behalf of the RaDIATE COLLABORATIONJNM Volume 541, December 2020, 152413titanium alloy, omega phase, radiation damage, accelerator target, beam window
2020Why Does Titanium Alloy Beam Window Become Brittle After Proton Beam Exposure ?
~ Research and Development on the Accelerator Target and Beam Window Materials
RaDIATE International Collaboration, J-PARC Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)KEK Press Releasetitanium alloy, omega phase, radiation damage, accelerator target, beam window
2020Why Does Titanium Alloy Beam Window Become Brittle After Proton Beam Exposure?RaDIATE International Collaboration, J-PARC Center, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)J-PARC Press Releasetitanium alloy, omega phase, radiation damage, accelerator target, beam window
2020Estimation of reliable displacements-per-atom based on athermal-recombination-corrected model in radiation environments at nuclear fission, fusion, and accelerator facilitiesY. Iwamoto, S. Meigo, S. HashimotoJNM Volume 538, September 2020, 152261arc-dpa, NRT-dpa, primary radiation damage, nuclear interaction product, high energy
2020Measurement of displacement cross-sections of copper and iron for proton with kinetic energies in the range 0.4 – 3 GeVH. Matsuda, S. Meigo, Y. Iwamoto, M. Yoshida, S. Hasegawa, F. Maekawa, H. Iwamoto, T. Nakamoto, S. MakimuraJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Volume 57, issue 10 (2020) 1141-1151accelerator, accelerator-driven system, proton, radiation damage, radiation dose, iron, PHITS, target
2020Measurement of Displacement Cross Section of Structural Materials Utilized in the Proton Accelerator Facilities with the Kinematic Energy above 400 MeVS. Meigo, H. Matsuda, Y. Iwamoto, M. Yoshida, S. Hasegawa, F. Maekawa, H. Iwamoto, T. Nakamoto, T. Ishida, and S. MakimuraJPS Conf. Proc. 28, 061004 (2020)displacement cross section, DPA, proton irradiation, copper
2020Failure investigation of nuclear grade POCO graphite target in high-energy neutrino physics through numerical simulationS. Bidhar, N. Simos, D. Senor, P. HurhNuclear Materials and Energy 24 (2020) 100761neutrino physics, isotropic graphite, radiation damage, annealing, X-ray diffraction, finite element analysis, empirical formula, thermal stress wave
2020Radiation Damage Studies on Titanium Alloys as High-Intensity Proton Accelerator Beam Window MaterialsT. Ishida, E. Wakai, S. Makimura, P. Hurh, K. Ammigan, A. M. Casella, D. J. Edwards, D. J. Senor, C. J. Densham, M. D. Fitton, J. M. Bennett, D. Kim, N. Simos, M. Calviani, and C. Torregrosa Martin, On behalf of the RaDIATE COLLABORATIONJPS Conf. Proc. 28, 041001 (2020)titanium alloy, beam window, proton beam, radiation damage
2020Tungsten alloy development as advanced target material for high-power proton acceleratorS. Makimura, H. Kirishita, K. Niikura, H.-C. Jung, M. Onoi, Y. Nagasawa, T. Ishida, M. Calviani, C. Torregrosa and J. DescarregaJPS Conf. Proc. 28, 031002 (2020)proton accelerator target, tungsten, recrystallization
embrittlement, irradiation embrittlement
2019Thermal shock experiment of beryllium exposed to intense high-energy proton beam pulsesK. Ammigan, S. Bidhar, P. Hurh, R. Zwaska, M. Butcher, M. Calviani, M. Guinchard, R. Losito, V. Kuksenko, S. Roberts, A. Atherton, G. Burton, O. Caretta, T. Davenne, C. Densham, M. Fitton, P. Loveridge, and J. O’DellPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 044501 – 4 April 2019beryllium, thermal shock, high-energy proton, simulation
2019120 GeV neutrino physics graphite target damage assessment using electron microscopy and high-energy x-ray diffractionN. Simos, P. Hurh, E. Dooryhee, L. Snead, D. Sprouster, Z. Zhong, H. Zhong, S. Ghose, Z. Kotsina, K. Ammigan, J. Hylen, V. Papadimitriou, R. Zwaska, D. Senor, A. Casella, and D.J. EdwardsPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 041001, 8 April 2019high-energy proton beam, radiation damage, graphite target, electron microscopy, high-energy X-ray diffraction
2019Experiment exposing refractory metals to impacts of 440 GeV/c proton beams for the future design of the CERN antiproton production target: Experiment design and online resultsC. Torregrosa, A. Perillo-Marcone, M. Calviani, L. Gentini, M. Butcher, J-L. Munoz-CoboPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 22, 013401 – 7 January 2019refractory metals, high-energy proton irradiation, thermal shock, dynamic response, iridium, tungsten, tantalum, TZM, molybdenum
2018Scaled prototype of a tantalum target embedded in expanded graphite for antiproton production: Design, manufacturing, and testing under proton beam impactsC. Torregrosa, M. Calviani, A. Perillo-Marcone, R. Ferriere, N. Solieri, M. Butcher, L-M Grec, J. CanhotoPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 21, 073001 – 24 July 2018graphite target, thermal shock, dynamic response
2018Study of the radiation damage effect on Titanium metastable beta alloy by high intensity proton beamT. Ishida, E. Wakai, M. Hagiwara, S. Makimura, M. Tada,D. M. Asner, A. Casella, A. Devaraj, D. Edwards, R. Prabhakaran, D. Senor, M. Hartz, S. Bhadra, A. Fiorentini, M. Cadabeschi, J. Martin, A. Konaka, A. Marino, A. Atherthon, C.J. Densham, M. Fitton, K. Ammigan, P. HurhNuclear Materials and Energy, Volume 15, May 2018, Pages 169-174titanium alloy, proton beam, radiation damage, target, beam window
2017Irradiation effects in beryllium exposed to high energy protons of the NuMI neutrino sourceV. Kuksenko, K. Ammigan, B. Hartsell, C. Densham, P. Hurh, S. RobertsJNM Volume 490, July 2017, Pages 260-271beryllium, proton irradiation, neutrino targets, EBSD, EDS, atom probe tomography, transmutation elements, precipitation, segregation
2017Proton irradiated graphite grades for a long baseline neutrino facility experimentN. Simos, P. Nocera, Z. Zhong, R. Zwaska, N. Mokhov, J. Misek, K. Ammigan, P. Hurh, and Z. KotsinaPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 20, 071002 – 24 July 2017graphite, high-energy proton irradiation, physical property change, radiation damage, annealing, X-ray diffraction, X-ray tomography, neutron tomography
2016Radiation damage and thermal shock response of carbon-fiber-reinforced materials to intense high-energy proton beamsN. Simos, Z. Zhong, S. Ghose, H.G. Kirk, L-P Trung, K.T. McDonald, Z. Kotsina, P. Nocera, R. Assmann, S. Redaelli, A. Bertarelli, E. Quaranta, A. Rossi, R. Zwaska, K. Ammigan, P. Hurh, and N. MokhovPhys. Rev. Accel. Beams 19, 111002 – 16 November 2016high-energy proton beam, radiation damage, thermal shock, carbon fiber composite
2016The radiation damage in accelerator target environments (RaDIATE) collaboration R&D program – status and future activitiesP. G. HurhProceedings of the North American Particle Accelerator Conference, MOPOB23, October 2016RaDIATE collaboration, proton irradiation, graphite, beryllium
2016Experimental results of beryllium exposed to intense high energy proton beam pulsesK. Ammigan, B. Hartsell, P. Hurh, R. Zwaska, M. Butcher, M. Guinchard, M. Calviani, R. Losito, S. Roberts, V. Kuksenko, A. Atherton, O. Caretta, T. Davenne, C. Densham, M. Fitton, J. Loveridge, J. O’DellProceedings of the North American Particle Accelerator Conference, MOPOB14, October 2016proton irradiation, pulsed beam, beryllium
2016Post irradiation examination results of the NT-02 graphite fins NuMI targetAmmigan, K, P Hurh, V Sidorov, R Zwaska, DM Asner, AM Casella, DJ Edwards, AL Schemer-Kohrn, DJ SenorProceedings of the North American Particle Accelerator Conference, MOPOB13, October 2016graphite, high-energy proton irradiation, radiation damage
2015Study on structural recovery of graphite irradiated with swift heavy ions at high temperatureF. Pellemoine, M. Avilov, M. Bender, R.C. Ewing, S. Fernandes, M. Lang, W.X. Li, W. Mittig, M. Schein, D. Severin, M. Tomut, C. Trautmann, F.X. ZhangNIMB Volume 365,Part B, 15 December 2015, Pages 522-524high-power graphite target, swift heavy ion, radiation damage, structural recovery
2015Swift heavy ion irradiation damage in Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-4V-1B: Study of the microstructure and mechanical propertiesA. Amroussia, M. Avilov, C. J. Boehlert, F. Durantel, C. Grygiel, W. Mittig, I. Monnet, F. PellemoineNIMB Volume 365, December 2015, Pages 515-521swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation damage, microstructure, mechanical properties, titanium alloys
2015Accelerator Physics and Technology Research Toward Future Multi-MW Proton AcceleratorsShiltsev, VD, P Hurh, A Romanenko, A Valeshev, RM ZwaskaProceeding of 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC2015, THPF128, pg 4019-4021RaDIATE collaboration, proton irradiation, graphite, HPT R&D
2013Targetry Challenges at Megawatt Proton Accelerator FacilitiesHurh, P, K Ammigan, B Hartsell, R TschirhartProceeding of IPAC2013, THPFI082RaDIATE collaboration, HPT R&D, Target challenges
2013Radiation Damage Study of Graphite and Carbon-carbon Composite Target MaterialsHurh, P, K Ammigan, N Mokhov, N SimosProceeding of IPAC2013, THPFI083RaDIATE collaboration, Radiation damage, Graphite, physical property changes
2013High-Power Targets: Experience and R&D for 2 MWHurh, P, O Caretta, TR Davenne, CJ Densham, P Loveridge, N SimosProceedings of PAC’11, WEODS2, 1496-1500Radiation damage, graphite, beryllium
2013In-Situ Electric Resistance Measurements and Annealing Effects of Graphite Exposed to Swift Heavy IonsS. Fernandes, F. Pellemoine, M. Tomut, M. Avilov, M. Bender, M. Boulesteix, M. Krause, W. Mittig, M. Schein, D. Severin, C. TrautmannNIMB Volume 314, 1 November 2013, Pages 125-129high-power graphite target, swift heavy ion, radiation damage, electrical resistance